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Your 16 most asked question about BBQ Cabins!

Your 16 most asked question about BBQ Cabins!

All you have ever wanted to know about bbq cabins, in one place

Your 16 top BBQ Cabin questions to us, answered!

We did a brainstorming session of all the questions we are asked, and took the most common ones, and have compiled this into a list here, so before you even come and see us, you know what you are looking at, and what we can do (and can’t, which is just as important)

So here is it, the top 16 questions we as Scotia Cabins, and as a BBQ Hut supplier are asked nearly every week, if not day.

What is the BBQ Cabin made of?

Wood, metal, shingle, glue, nails, screws and glass mostly.  But if you want to be specific.  Our walls are 48mm dense and are made from Arctic pine.  That is pine, grown up above the Arctic Circle which grows really slowly, thus creating the density which then naturally gives it a huge amount of insulation.  As a BBQ hut, you do not need to add in insulation.

The BBQ unit – metal, all mined and then made in Finland.  The Shingle on the roof comes in from Finland and is awesome.  Exceedingly hardwearing and can withstand Scandi and Scottish weather!  You just need to give it time to stick.  Glue, nails, etc, these all come from certain hardware shops.  And that is about it.  

What is the base made of?

The base is made from treated timber so will last for ages and ages and ages.  The pegs to which we put into postcrete, are either timber or composite legs.  You can choose.  Composite will last until the next millennia we think, so if you are in a wetter area, this might be a good idea to invest in.  If your cabin is going onto a hard standing or a concrete base, it will still require a wooden frame under it to allow the cabin to breathe, and for airflow.

Pegged base

What base is best for me?

This is where we quiz you with the first question being: ‘what is in the area you are thinking of putting your bbq hut?’  The most common answers are: ‘nothing – just grass’, which means either a timber peg, or a composite peg base is the best option.  We do this when we come to install the cabin on the same day.  ‘We have an old garden room/shed/playhouse with a hard area under it’ which usually then means a frame can go down, IF the area is level.  If it is a little short, we can do and half and half with a peg and frame to utilise the hard area up.  ‘I already have a hard area, or I am going to put in a concrete base’ which for us, is grand as we will then put a frame on when we come and build.  We will absolutely take you through this crucial part of the process slowly so that we all know what is going to happen and that it is right from the start.  

What sizes do the cabins come in?

Hunners.  No, not quite, but it feels like it!  With them being adaptable and modular, and having a kick ass manufacturer, we can make loads and loads of combinations.  However, generally as a BBQ cabin, you have; 7m, 10m, 10m + Extension, 14m, 14m + extension, 17m, 17m + extension, and a 25m.  There are loads of other combinations we can do, so please just ask.  We cannot extend the 7m, or the 25m though, just in case you thought of that one.

How long will my cabin last?

If you look after it, a lifetime.  If you don’t, a decent number of years, but it won’t be pretty.  So, staining your cabin, keeping it aired, and using it, will all help prolong its lifespan.  Staining it is the most important part, as this protects it from the elements.  If you let your cabin dry out too much, you will have issues and your warranty will not be valid.  Also, if you don’t air it, or light a fire in it at least once a fortnight, you are opening it up to having issues with damp.  Remember it is made of wood, it is not indestructible!

How do I maintain my cabin?

You can, or you can ask us to, stain your cabin at least once a year.  If you are in an exposed area, twice.  Give the hinges a wee squirt of WD40 once a year.  Light a fire, a good hot one, twice a month, if you are not using it a lot.  And look at it occasionally, internally and externally, as if there are issues, the sooner this is spotted the better the outcome.  That’s about all really.  Not too hard.

Do I have a warranty with my cabin?

Yes.  We supply this with your receipt once your bill is paid in full.  Most of the main structure of the cabin is 10yrs, with the pelmets being 4.  Some of the internal parts are 1 (lights and grate).  All of this will be on the guarantee.

Can I move my cabin, if I move?

Yes.  Depending on how long your cabin has been up, once we take it down, we made need to ensure it is all OK, so that when we re-install it goes in as close to new as we can.  We are happy to store your cabin as well if there is a lag time between taking it down, and your new home being ready.  We do charge for this, but it is mostly for covering the cost of labour and time.  If you need this service, let us know and we will chat through the options with you.

A 10m BBQ Cabin on a pegged base

How much is it?

Our cabins start of £10,570 for the 7m and go up from there.  Our prices are on our website, and you are always welcome to call us to find out about combinations or unusual cabins.  Our prices on the website are for cabins within 60 miles of us.  Beyond this, we put on an additional installer, or maybe an overnight stay.  This is for safety for the installation team for driving and installing, as I am sure, no one wants any one to be hurt over a cabin!

What is included in my cabin when I purchase it?

When we quote for a cabin, we quote for everything to be included:  cabin, BBQ unit, base, delivery and installation, cushions, extenders and lights, and it will include VAT.  There are a few accessories that you can add in if needed, such as skins (sheep or reindeer), a tall spark guard and an accessories pack (cups, placemats, clock, thermometer, bottle opener and cutlery).  If there are parts of the quote you don’t want, we will happily take this out for you, just let us know.

Do I need planning permission for my BBQ Cabin?

Unless your cabin is in a conservation area, or a listed building ground, then no, you do not need planning permission.  There seems to only be 1 authority that hasn’t read the memo on this, but when they have asked, they soon pipe down.  You also would need to ask planning about putting it in a front garden.  The other rule you need to be aware of is being 1m away from your boundary line.  As the cabins are sloped, that is tricky to measure, so a good rule to go by is if you can stand shoulder width between the wall/fence and the cabin pelmet, you should be OK.  You need this space around the cabin to maintain it anyway.

Will I use my BBQ Cabin?

I can’t answer that one for you, will you?  I guess if you like BBQing, you like having people about, you like being outside the house, but maybe not miles away from home, then yes, I suppose you will.  But the only person who can answer that is you.  

Where should I put my BBQ Cabin?

So, assuming we are working within the rules of planning, you can put this anywhere that there is a natural space for it.  Be it the middle of the garden, in a corner, under a tree, you name it.  There are no hard and fast rules about this, you will know where best it will look.

How safe is my BBQ Cabin?

Very.  We issue all cabins with a fire extinguisher and a CO monitor as standard.  Also, as a Scotia Cabin works on a natural draw with the fire, it can never not work (assuming nothing else is blocking the flow of air).  There are no fans to break, or sook that hard you can’t open the door!  We cannot guarantee against stupidity though, so if you do something like use the door of the BBQ as a grill plate or burn such a high fire you melt your cowl, you are on your own. (Actual things that have happened btw)

Can I extend my BBQ Cabin later?

Yes, you can, but it is a lot of money and time, as half of the original cabin has to go away, the roof must change and then the new part added on.  If you are thinking to do this, just get the one with an extension in the first place.

Can I use my BBQ Cabin all year round?

Yes, totally.  That is why they are so ace.  Howling gale – no problem.  Pouring with rain – what rain? Snow is falling, all around – best time ever to use it.  Hogmanay – ideal.  Christmas Eve – just make sure you are out before Father Christmas comes! Birthdays – perfect for these gatherings.  There is not an occasion we can think of, when you can’t use it.  Oh, sorry, we are wrong, there is.  When it gets above 20 degrees outside, you need to open the windows and doors, until the midgies come at night.


There you are the 16 most asked questions about BBQ cabins in the initial stages of looking to buy.  I know there will be others out there, so please do get in touch, so we can help you get a cooking outside, all year round.


01738 850203
