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9 Reasons our cabins cost more to buy than others out there

9 Reasons our cabins cost more to buy than others out there

Find out the reasons we are that little bit more than other BBQ Hut suppliers

Why are your BBQ Cabins more than anyone else’s?

This is always an interesting conversation as everyone has an opinion on it.  Everyone is also an expert on these things too.  Yet so often, there are parts that are never considered when working out the cost of things.  I could wax lyrical for hours about how food should be more than it is because of what farmers who make it, don’t get paid, but that’s a whole other topic!  For this blog, we are going to look at the factors that we consider when we are pricing up your cabin.

We are fully aware we are not the cheapest cabins on the market.  And there is a good reason for that.  You (usually) always get what you pay for, and if you want a cheaper cabin, that has been made over in Europe and imported, cool.  Carry on.  There are a number of things you need to be careful of, but they aren’t terrible buildings.  They are not as nice as ours, but they are totally fine.  If fine is where you want to be, with such a dominant feature of your garden.  

You can also, which is the usual favourite response ‘X/Y/Z could build this for me’ Again, be my guest!  Carry on.  I am sure there are homemade BBQ cabins out there, and I am sure they are a great success.  They cannot be as elusive as Nessie or a Unicorn, so if you have built one, please let us know, we would love to see it.  Maybe we can learn from something that you encountered along the way?  Or even better, maybe your design is better than ours!  We would love that.

These are some of the reasons that ours are that bit more than the average cabin:

1. High-Quality Materials: The use of premium, durable, and aesthetically pleasing materials can significantly increase the overall cost of a BBQ cabin.  Our cabins are made from wood imported in from the Arctic Circle, where it has grown.  This creates a very dense wood, that naturally gives insulation to your BBQ hut.  We have more shingle on the roof, also giving more insulation.  We have the highest spec of BBQ unit you can get from Polar Metalli, which is also the safest one.  All our windows open and are double glazed.  Our cushions are the absolute bomb in looks and comfort and how well they can stand up to wear and tear (and paws and tomato sauce too).  Our lights add a really cool dimension to the cabin which have a million settings from calm to Sooty’s Disco.  

2. Craftsmanship: Skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail in construction can lead to higher labour costs, adding to the overall price.  Yes, our cabins are made in a factory, that is true.  They are made in the UK, where to labour costs are higher.  These cabins are made by people who have studied and honed their craft for years, to UK standards.

3. Customisation: As we offer a number of options for you to really make your cabin your own, rather than the same as the Smiths down the road, so this costs more.  Our cushions are one of our unique selling points, and since we introduced our plaids (or ‘tartans’) to our Scottish market, these have been a huge hit.  These are extremely high quality, and immensely comfortable to sit on.  Add in a sheep skin, or reindeer skin, and you’d never get out of the cabin.  We are able to really personalise these too and have had a rainbow of cushions and football team colours in the past, which really gives it a personal touch.

4. Innovative Features: As our BBQ huts are essentially ‘handmade’ we are able to adapt and adjust parts that the larger mass-produced ones cannot.  Little touches like the loft space above the door, and offering a lower threshold door, having the door on the right, extra lift up benches, extra windows, etc.  if needed, are not available with all companies.  We could even mix and match the roof tiles if you wanted!  Not sure what it would look like, but that option is there.  Our cabins can be extended, ideally when you purchase, but can be done retrospectively too.  And because we keep records, we will know your cabin when you get in touch and be on the same page.

5. Brand Reputation: We have been around for 9 years.  Our manufacturer for over 20.  You can check all our details on Companies House and see our track record financially.  Our aim is always to get it right on builds and service.  Sometimes we have to come back and adjust and sort, because we don’t manage that first time.  But we do come back!  And you can get hold of us and talk to a human being.

6. Warranty and Support: We have a clear warranty for all cabins which is available once your bill is paid in full.  We won’t not come, but we also will not be shouted at, threatened or be told we are wrong, just because you do not like the answer you are given.  We aren’t daft, and know when you end of the cabin maintenance has been kept up, and when it hasn’t.  While we are happy to help and respect you as a customer, we also expect the same in return.  We make no apology for standing firm on this.  

7. Exclusive Designs: The design of our cabins has been trademarked within the UK by our manufacturer.  That means that while there are other sloping walled cabins are out there, they are not at the same angle as ours.  If you have sat in one of our cabins, and then another style, like the straight-walled cabins, you will see that you can lean back and be comfy, on your personal choice of cushions, or you can sit as you would in church, on one of two colours of cushions.  Every cabin we put out is different from the next, so it is personal to you.  There will be a different door handle, cut of wood, roof colour and cushion combo.

8.  Distances and time travelled to you:  While we are working feverishly on a time machine/teleporter, it is still a while away from being operational, so we have to charge for this for the team being away.  As our road network in Scotland is such, the further you are away from us, the more we have to charge to be able to get to you, so that you can have a dry BBQ year-round.  I wish it could be the same price for everyone whether you lived 5 mins or 5 hours from us, but it is just not economically viable for us to do that.  We keep this down as much as we can and cost each install or repair individually to achieve this.

We are also one of the few companies that really will cover ALL of Scotland, including the islands, and will work with you to be able to achieve this.  We aren’t scared of going past Aviemore and know where we are going to.  Our most northerly mainland cabins are in Thurso, and we have been to Shetland and Orkney too, as well as Stornoway and Whithorn, and every stop in between.  We also have yet to be beaten with the location too, so if you have an idea of where you would like your cabin to go, but it looks awkward, then let us know, we just might be able to manage it.  One of our first cabins was built onto a platform that jutted out from the customers garden and worked a treat.

9. Safety: You might need to buy a CO monitor and a fire extinguisher if you got your cabin from a supplier other than us (in fact, if you haven’t got one of these in your cabin, PLEASE go and get at least the monitor today, and get it set up in there) and there will be differences with the hood and BBQ unit, but it will do what is says on the tin.  Although having a hood hung from the roof on chains rather than supported on poles is a bit curious.

You also will not need a fan with our cabins, as a lot of time and research was spent to ensure that the cabin could work on a natural draw from the fire, so that anything that could cause an issue, should be sooked up the chimney, or sinks out underneath the cabin.  This is not the same with other suppliers.  Why is this an issue?  Well, if the fan breaks, then you are stuck.  You cannot use the cabin.  Also, we have had stories of people whose fans sook that hard, they can barely open the door!  That sounds like such a welcoming environment to be in.  And noisy too.  As mentioned, all our windows open as well, which is not the case with other suppliers.

Conclusion: There you have it, all the reasons we came up with as to why a Scotia Cabin is a bit more, than your average bbq cabin out there. We hope this has answered many of your questions about this, and we look forward to welcoming you here at our show site in Abernethy where you can try on the cabins for size, and see which one is the best fit for you and your family.


01738 850203
